
(Puppies 16 Wks. to Adult)
Doggy Daycare

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At K9 Development we offer daycare by trainers. Our daycare program is over 50 years of combined knowledge in developing the most sound and mentally balanced learning environment. From puppy development to aggression rehab, we have invested countless hours into developing a program that helps everyone excel to be the best dog they can be!

Our Daycare program is designed to help our K9 guests develop good manners and to become good members of society, allowing you to enjoy your everyday life with your dogs as well as enjoy taking them with you on vacations or day trips.


Because we are trainers, a Balanced Boarding & Daycare facility, and our staff is educated in proper handling of extreme dogs (be it working dogs, problem dogs, or aggressive dogs) we can safely handle and work with all types of canines.

We specialize in:

Intact dogs are welcome: and are allowed to participate in playgroups when eligible.

  • Puppy Development: For our puppies, we focus on building confidence, manners, and social skills. Learning about dogs of all sizes, ages, and personalities. As well as knowing when to play, how to play, and when it is not time to play.
  • Aggression Rehabilitation: For our aggressive dogs we focus on learning about appropriate vs inappropriate times to display aggression, from which point we can focus on developing good social skills with others and how to make friends.
  • Fearful/anxious dogs: For our fearful/anxious dogs we focus on showing them all the great things there are that they do not need to be afraid of, as well as showing them how to confront and work through their fears. It is OK to be afraid, it is just the choices we make when we are afraid that are important.
  • Maintenance: For our K9 guests with good manners and social skills, our program is designed to help them maintain those skills. They can come in with confidence and play without the worry of being bullied, harassed, or mounted by other dogs in the group.
Environmental Enrichment

During Our Daycare Time: 
We provide an assortment of environmental enrichment opportunities. Whether it’s agility obstacles (tunnels, ramps, kiddie pools, etc.), livestock exposure, varied sound exposure, costumes, treat games, ball, and water play; we constantly strive to change up and build on socialization experiences to help your dog be the best that it can be!

All of our games can be done as a group due to our training of proper social interactions. All the dogs can eat and play ball together as a group. Learning not to be food or toy possessive, and to respect others!

Yes! We have livestock in our daycare program
Groot the pig
Daycare Turkey & Dog

Due to our Daycare program being so strong in its foundation and skills, we have varying species of animals that participate in our playtime. We do this to provide a diversity in social skills beyond just dogs, allowing our foundation to include but not limited to being neutral with the livestock, and the opportunity to develop a relationship if they choose.

Our goat (Ditzy), loves to play and make friends with our K9 guests. Our Pig (Groot), loves to participate in the food games and challenge dogs with who can get the treats faster.

Our daily schedule
We're asked on a regular basis what our day care schedule consists of:

Through our countless hours of finding the best program for our K9 guests, we have found that 8 hours of play day schedule is overwhelming and exhausting but not in a good way. We have found that doing two play groups on daycare days, one in the morning and one in the evening, helps our dogs come out fresh and ready to play at each set; creating double stimulation and positive experiences.

Our scheduled Daycare hours are:

Drop off & Pick up 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tuesday – Saturday

Playgroup 1
8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Nap Time
12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Playgroup 2
3:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Hours may vary based on each day’s independent schedule, but as a general guide, this is the schedule we follow, and find works best for our K9 guests.


The comfort of our K9 guests is very important to us, Cots and bedding are provided for all boarding or daycare dogs. For our chewers, we do remove the bedding, but still provide a cot for comfort.

All naptime and bedtime locations are indoors and Air Conditioned or Heated at appropriate levels for all of our guests to be comfortable.

Quiet time, to allow for a peaceful nap time, we provide a chew source for all of our dogs, as well as teach new guests about appropriate vs inappropriate vocalization. So we can all enjoy our quiet time.

Please, feel free to contact us with any questions.


Evaluation For Daycare $50 (30 Min.)

Required for new dogs that we have never met before to assign the appropriate daycare rate. 

A 30 minute evaluation to assess your dogs temperament, manners and social skills to help us recommend the best program to reach your goals.


Full Day

Includes but not limited to:

Full daycare day with dog playgroup activities including but not limited to tug, food games, ball, chase, etc.

Nap time in their own private space with a chew source and trainer supervision.

Throughout the day training time to maintain basic training, good manners, and social skills. Example: wait at thresholds, sit for leash on, come when called, have fun while maintaining good manners.

Add-ons required for new dogs, determined at evaluation. 


Full Day + One-on-one Training


PLUS:While your puppy/dog is staying with us for daycare, we add a one-on-one private training lesson with your dog customized to work on your specific goals. Let us know what you want the lesson to focus on, and we do the work while they stay with us.



Training Fee (New Dogs)


Required for new dogs or high-maintenance dogs that require extra training time with our trainers to work on their social skills, manners, and basic training (come, sit, look, wait, kennel, quiet).

In most cases, this rate is temporary (10-14 days based on progress)


High Maintenance Fee

Required for dogs only permitted to be handled by our trainers who specialize in handling strong, aggressive, or potentially dangerous dogs.

Including but not limited to working with our trainers on safely building social skills and confidence, teaching appropriate manners and interaction with animals and humans, as well as teaching our basic training (come, sit, look, wait, kennel, and quiet).

In most cases, this rate is temporary (10-14 days based on progress)